Saturday, May 14, 2011

sketchity sketch

so since i've heard of this project i've been itching to be a part of it, but since i only heard of it recently (maybe the beginning of this year?) i hadn't had the chance to join in and take part...buut all of that has changed! i'm officially signed up to participate in The Sketchbook Project and i'm so excited!  what a great idea and opportunity! you get to choose a theme and there is a whole list of great ones to choose from and you can also get randomly assigned one.  after taking a few minutes to mull over the options i decided "Fears & Tears" would be a good theme and then i took the plunge and signed up...i can't wait to get my sketchbook and to get started! 

in other exciting news, i bought some nice pens and markers today and drawing paper.  between browsing online and going to the local art store i could literally spend hours and lots of money on wish list is ever growing and i often wonder how many professional artists organize their expenses?  it just all seems overwhelming to me.  anyway..just some food for thought! i'm off to enjoy some jeopardy....

things and stuff

wellll it has been a while hasn't it??  so much has happened since my last (first) post which has been keeping me quite busy...first off, i can add "mama" to my long list of titles (but it's arguably the most important one).  which is really the biggest news to share.  and if anyone is wondering, motherhood is everything you've ever heard and more and the best kind of love. 

in other news, i've watched this about one hundred times and can't stop:

and finally, here is some really cool eye candy

alright, im making a conscious effort to post more than once every 7 or 8 months so look for more soon!!